Monday, February 16, 2009

International teacher blogs

A teacher that teaches in an Asian high school is trying to make education and poltics come together. He wants the students to see the different things from different points of view in which should happen. People have a right to their opinion. Also, kids get different lectures in history then they do in college. If you teach what is not on the curriculum then you are likely to get fired or your students will not pass.

On this blog I like it because everyone can stay in touch with each other. They also have all their events and what is going on in the school. If you are not satisfied with something then you just write a blog or leave a comment. Also, it has photos and forms you can download for the school.

US Teacher blogs

ATQS (3)(c) 1.(iii); (3)(c) 4.(i); (3)(c) 4.(ii)

The first blog I read about a Spanish teacher that teach in Chicago. What I found interesting about it was that she quoted Brittney Spears on her song circus. That is what really caught my eye. She said "when you are running a classroom it is like running a circus.'' It is because it is different acts and the teacher is a ring leader. I find it true because you have to engage with their students differently children are different.
The second blog that I read was how to teach Algebra with tiles which I found really interesting because I never heard anyone do it like that before.You use tiles to represent the equation and count it out from there. I thought it was neat becaue I never saw a math teacher teach algebra hands on

Monday, February 2, 2009

Google's rumored GDrive may 'kill' the PC

In the article, Google's rumored GDrive may 'kill' the PC, it is saying that the GDrive can crash your computer but also a hard drive can crash and anything you saved to it could be destroyed. The G drive is wonderful because you never know when your computer could fail you but if you have it saved on a web based program then you can access it anywhere instead of either buying a jump drive or using up all your memory on your computer.
It also may work against you because some people don't have internet access everywhere they go and if they save it to the jumpdrive then they could pull it up on a computer with no internet access.

Changing the way we think

In the article, Change the way we think, it is saying that the way internet and television differs on the way that the brain works is making more people not think the same anymore. It is especially targeted at the google website that people start to struggle. In my opinion, the internet and television can alter your mind but only if that is the only sources you are getting information from. Television is a source you can get a lot of information but if it isn't a show on that particular subject then you won't know much about it at all. The internet can make you lazy because of the way it breaks everything down for you. If you search something then you can get it broken down for you and not have to read a whole lot. You can miss a lot of things that can be important. If you read to back up what you are looking for then you will have all the knowledge that you need instead of getting bits and pieces. You will also get the all parts of knowledge from different sources.